Friday, October 23, 2015


Hello All...

gbrainy is a software on OSS to keep our brains up and running...

Install the software via synaptic package manager or via command line..

It has 4 categories or different levels of games- Logical, Mental calculations, memory trainers and verbal challenges ...

Check out the snapshot for more clarity..

Play it and keep your brains working..
Ananth S Gouri

passwd - 2

Dear All,

Continuing from the last post of "mkpasswd"

U folks need to use 'passwd' to change the password.

I can simplify things this way:

Say if your username on a UNIX machine is "telsaT"

and you have this password "test123"

mkpasswd helps you to generate random passwords... Useful many a times when we want to change our passwords on servers frequently...

As the root user - you can issue the command mkpasswd

Then give it as an input to passwd - again a command for which you need root privileges...

Similar to the command mkpasswd - some linux distributions offer a command called makepasswd

The command usage of makepasswd is:

makepasswd - which generates a random password

You can generate a random password of given length - with this below command:

makepasswd --chars 20

You can also generate a series of random passwords with the command:

makepasswd --chars 20 --count 5

Hope this post is interesting to some of you...

Thanks & Regards,
Ananth S Gouri

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lex and Yacc

Hey All,

This post explains how to install lex and yacc onto your Linux distros and how to run small programs.

For Debian based systems - there is a package called Flex. Install it. This is the alternative for lex. Here you go - the definition from Synaptic itself:

A Flex generates as output a C source file, lex.yy.c, which defines a routine yylex().  This file is compiled and linked with the -lfl library to produce an executable. When the executable is run, it analyzes its input for occurrences of the regular expressions. Whenever it finds one, it executes the corresponding C code.

Similarly to work yacc - there is tool called Bison. Install it using synaptic.

Or you can install it via cmd line issuing the command:

sudo apt-get install flex bison

After installation, you can execute the attached program [see dropbox link -] for counting the number of consonants and vowels in a given input.

Run the lexical analyzer to create tokens from the program - a.l

Issue the below commands:

[1]flex a.l

This would create a file called lex.yy.c - A C file. Compile this C file to get your executable

[2]cc lex.yy.c -o al -ll

Finally run the executable:

[3] ./al

You should not be able to type input to the program

Type "Linux" [without quotes] and press enter.

Type Ctrl + D to see the output as shown in the below diagram.

The next post will help you to figure out how to run a yacc program.

Till then, keep reading.

Ananth S Gouri

Ubuntu 15.10 aka Wily Wirewolf - released

Dear All,

The Canonical Ubuntu 15.10 is released. Code named wily wirewolf - the amd64 version of the OS is around 1.2 gb in size.

You can download the various versions of the OS from the above link.

Also this below link provides the new features of this release:

Check it out and let me know if any one wants the DVD to shipped inside Karnataka. I can help you out for free.

PM your addresses !

Ananth S Gouri

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Manipulating a problematic Canon CAPT driver in *nix systems

Hey Fellas,

Its been a while since I am blogging. Sorry for that. Currently I am using Debian 8.1. This is FYI !

This post is for people who have a Canon LBP**** series working printer in UNIX based systems.

If you have earlier read posts like this :

and found difficulty in manipulating ccpd - the daemon service - this post is specifically for you folks...

Canon CAPT ccpd - can print iff there are equal to or more than 2 pids...

This could be verified with the command -

sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd status 

which should show minimum of 2 pid values.

If in cases where there are less than 2 pid values, that is when the trouble starts.

You as a root user can stop the service by issuing the below command:

sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd stop

But some times this would not stop the service.

Issue this below command [1] to completely kill the service and then restart the service with the next command [2]

1. sudo pkill -9 ccpd
2. sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd restart or sudo /etc/init.d/ccpd start

After issuing the above commands - verify the status by this command related GUI

captstatusui -p LBP2900 [if your printer is LBP2900 & for other names change accordingly]

Hope this small post helps you to some extent...

If you are all facing issues with installing ccpd for your respective *nix lemme know...

Ananth D Geek !